Well, I write asdoc.
I have made my own custom component for user help screens too, but it is
very basic for now and I don't think it is that reusable (the project is
under LGPL license):
You have to extend it to use it, like described in the asdoc comment. It
justs presents the pages you describe in a flat menu in a TitleWindow.

May be it can give you inspiration ;)

2009/11/12 Fotis Chatzinikos <fotis.chatzini...@gmail.com>

> What do you mean? Javadoc type of (code) help?
> User help screens? Localized?
> On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 3:24 PM, Paulo Cassiano <pcassi...@ymail.com>wrote:
>> Do you write help for your Flex apps?

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