I'm not sure how much my code examples will help - I'm using SQL Server and
before the data gets to SQL, I translate the boolean value to a 1 or 0.

If I were in your shoes, the next thing I'd do is to figure out a way to
know the exact value that Access is getting.  Make no assumptions.  Consider
all the layers that single value is getting passed through.  Can you send
the value from CF to an Access macro?  What I'm getting at is, if this were
my problem and since I'm using SQL Server, I'd send the value to a stored
procedure where I could examine and test it.  With Access, what options do
you have to pragmatically examine and test values sent from Cold Fusion?

On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 8:03 AM, stinasius <stinas...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Chris Downey you said you do this all the time, care to show how exaclty
> you do it using the first example of itemWorking, or you can show how to
> directly send the checkbox.selected value to the data access object layer
> (via your RemoteObject). please this would be very helpful.
>  _
Chris Downey

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