Since I am able to invoke my class, and receive a valid response from a JSP page, can you think of anything else I might try to get my RemoteObject call to work from within Flex?


From: [] On Behalf Of Jeremy Crane
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 9:58 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Problem accessing RemoteObjects


I will try to load the class in a JSP later on today.  Below is basically what I have my User class stripped down to right now.  See any problems?  Have any other suggestions?


package com.obc;


import java.sql.*;


public class User {


public User(){}


public String qryUsers(){

            return "Hello, from Java RemoteObject";





From: [] On Behalf Of Brian Deitte
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 9:29 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Problem accessing RemoteObjects


The "Creating Service" message you see is from the client side, so it is a little misleading in that it makes it look like RemoteObject already found things, but it isn't an indication of how things are happening on the server side.  The error message you are getting says that the class could not be found or could not be loaded on the server side.  Can you try to load the class in a JSP page or a servlet, just to be really sure that it works?  Do you have a no-argument constructor?  What classes are you importing within com.obc.User?


(And looking at the error message- ah, shoot, I thought we had gotten all the Flash Remoting MX references out of there.  :)  ) -Brian



From: [] On Behalf Of Jeremy Crane
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 10:16 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Problem accessing RemoteObjects

I am trying to access a RemoteObject that I created to retrieve information from a MSSQL database, and cannot get it to work. Any suggestions on this are greatly appreciated. Details to follow:

When Debugging the app from within Flex Builder I get the following under the Output Tab:

RemoteObject_AMF: Creating Service for com.obc.User
RemoteObject_AMF: Creating gateway connection for http://localhost:8888/development/amfgateway
RemoteObject_AMF: Successfully created Service.

However, when I click on a button I created to invoke the RemoteObject method I receive this error:

Service threw an exception during method invocation: No service named com.obc.User is known to Flash Remoting MX.

I have the following in my flex-config.xml file under <remote-objects>


I have also modified my RemoteObject to simply return a string, until I am able to get this to work. The java class files are being placed in the following location on the JRun Server:

<JRUN DIR>\servers\<SERVERNAME>\development\WEB-INF\classes\com\obc

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