Ok, here is a fun one that I might be wrong on, but...

I am using ColdFusion to connect with the majority of my data in an 
application. It works fine and all is right in the world. However, I am 
also attempting to use WebORB.NET to do chat and video chat. I kept getting 
this error when ever I attempted to connect to the server.

Channel 'weborb-rtmp' does not exist in the configuration.

After Googling the issue, I see that I need to add '-services 
c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\weborb30\web-inf\flex\services-config.xml' to the 
compiler so it can connect to the services-config.xml. Ok, that makes 

I am currently connecting to '-services 
"C:\Apache\htdocs\WEB-INF\flex\services-config.xml"' to connect to the 
ColdFusion server.

Can you have 2 arguments for services? I don't suppose I can still connect 
to CF if I remove the current service (No,tested). Since they are both the 
same file name, and I have CF running on the Prod server, can I combine the 
two together?

Wow, this would suck if I have to drop one or the other since they both are 
serving 2 different purposes for me right now...

Thanks for any ideas.

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