Hope this helps some one.

All sorted now Insert routine worked fine, but the Update errored with "1-1" 
for key 'Primary'. Managed to change the php to the following...

// check to see if the record actually exists in the database
// (modified to include composite primary key)

$query_recordset = sprintf("SELECT * FROM `table/view` WHERE firstid = %s AND 
secondid = %s", GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["firstid"], "int"), 
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["secondid"], "int")


// build and execute the update query
//(modified to include composite primary key)

$row_recordset = mysql_fetch_assoc($recordset);
$query_update = sprintf("UPDATE `table/view` SET attribute1 = %s WHERE firstid 
= %s AND secondid = %s", GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["attribute1"], "text"), 
GetSQLValueString($row_recordset["firstid"], "int"), 
GetSQLValueString($row_recordset["secondid"], "int")


// return the updated entry
//(modified to include composite primary key)
$toret = array(
"data" => array(
"firstid" => $row_recordset["firstid"], 
"secondid" => $row_recordset["secondid"], #
"attribute1" => $_REQUEST["attribute2"]#


Okay, done!

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