While I've been able to apply some CSS styles (e.g. fontFamily, 
fontSize, fontWeight, fontStyle, letterSpacing) to the content of <p> 
elements and to indidivual class selectors in the htmlText of a TextArea 
in an AIR application (FB4 beta2),  attempts to 
set other styles, such as padding and margin, have not worked.  Are padding and 
not implemented? If not, will they be? 

CSS + HTML are a powerful duo. I hope Adobe has plans to exploit this 
capability fully for the TextArea in AIR applications. For many 
text-presentation purposes CSS support would be entirely adequate, and 
typographic control would offer far more precision and granularity than is 
actually needed while introducing unnecessary complexity. Not that typography 
isn't a very slick feature, but please don't let CSS+HTML fall by the wayside.


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