DataGrid.columns returns a copy of the columns array.  Be sure you re-assign
the modified array to the columns property.


Tracy Spratt,

Lariat Services, development services available


From: [] On
Behalf Of invertedspear
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 10:20 AM
Subject: [SPAM] [flexcoders] Re: Crazy problem with a script creating



The problem is I have to create them programatically since the number of
them will be different based on the returned data. I found a workaround
where I call the filter after I assign the column dataFields names I want.
But I'm still doing all these actions on an array that starts off with all
the wrong values.

--- In flexcod...@yahoogro <>,
Alex Harui <aha...@...> wrote:
> In general, you should manipulate the columns of a DataGrid at setup other
than maybe to change visible. The recommended practice at setup is to create
a fresh array of DataGridColumns and assign the whole array to the columns
> Alex Harui
> Flex SDK Developer
> Adobe Systems Inc.<http://www.adobe. <> com/>
> Blog: http://blogs. <>
> From: flexcod...@yahoogro <>
[mailto:flexcod...@yahoogro <>]
On Behalf Of invertedspear
> Sent: Friday, December 11, 2009 2:51 PM
> To: flexcod...@yahoogro <>
> Subject: [flexcoders] Crazy problem with a script creating datagrids
> This is driving me nuts. This script is adding datagrids to various
containers in an accordion. In my first level for-each loop the item that
fills my "if(compone...@component_componentid == "999999999")" is the last
item looped through everything works fine except the datagrid I am building
there has the wrong columns. For some reason "tempGridicd9.columns" array is
returning the columns array from the tempGrid variable, and not even the
version I end up with after the filter, but the original columns array. I
don't even see how this is possible.
> Then when they datagrid gets drawn it has the right data in it, but it has
extra columns, cause the items from the else statement have 4 more columns.
> I have done hours of trouble shooting on this so far. The problem will not
present itself if I do not assign a dataProvider to tempGrid, for some
reason that seems to be where it all blows up.
> Anyone have a clue what's going on? Either I've majorly screwed up or this
is a major bug. Please help!!
> Here's a simple example of the XML, the real thing has a lot more nodes
and a lot of attributes:
> <component>
> <question>
> <answer/>
> </question>
> </component>
> <component>
> <icd9/>
> </component>
> Script With the Problem
> public function populateTemplate():void{
> accComponents.removeAllChildren();
> for each(var component:XML in XMLTemplate.template.children()){
> var newVBox:VBox = new VBox();
> = compone...@component_name;
> newVBox.label = compone...@component_longname;
> newVBox.width = 388;
> newVBox.percentHeight = 100;
> accComponents.addChild(newVBox);
> if(compone...@component_componentid == "999999999"){//icd9component
> var tempGridicd9:DataGrid = new DataGrid();
> tempGridicd9.setStyle("borderStyle","none");
> tempGridicd9.dataProvider = component.children();
> tempGridicd9.validateNow();
> //tempGridicd9.columns =
> = 'gridICD9';
> tempGridicd9.headerHeight = 0;
> tempGridicd9.selectable = false;
> tempGridicd9.percentWidth = 100;
> tempGridicd9.percentHeight = 100;
> tempGridicd9.variableRowHeight = true;
> tempGridicd9.columns[0].dataField = "@icd9_color";
> tempGridicd9.columns[0].width = 25;
> tempGridicd9.columns[0].itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(icdDot);
> tempGridicd9.columns[1].dataField = "@icd9_icd9";
> tempGridicd9.columns[1].width = 60;
> tempGridicd9.columns[2].dataField = "@templateIcd9_name";
> tempGridicd9.columns[2].width = 283;
> tempGridicd9.columns[2].wordWrap = true;
> tempGridicd9.columns[3].dataField = "@templateIcd9_templateIcd9ID";
> tempGridicd9.columns[3].visible = false;
> newVBox.addChild(tempGridicd9);
> }else if(component.children().length()>0){
> for each (var section:XML in component.children()){
> var newPanel:Panel = new Panel();
> newPanel.title = secti...@sectiontype_name + ": " + secti...@section_name;
> newPanel.width = 368;
> = secti...@section_sectionid;
> = secti...@section_sortorder;
> newPanel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,panelClick,false,100,false);
> newVBox.addChild(newPanel);
> if(section.children().length()>0){
> var tempGrid:DataGrid = new DataGrid();
> var tempGridList:XMLList = section.children();
> tempGridList = tempGridList.(@questionType_name!="null");
> tempGridList = tempGridList.(@question_hideByUserID=="null");
> tempGrid.dataProvider = tempGridList;
> tempGrid.columns = tempGrid.columns.filter(tempGridColFilter);
> = 'grid'+ secti...@section_sectionid
> //There is a bug that prevents only showing one line with
this:tempGrid.showHeaders = false;
> //use below instead
> tempGrid.headerHeight = 0;
> tempGrid.width = 348;
> tempGrid.columns[0].dataField="@questionDisplay";
> tempGrid.columns[1].dataField="@question_questionID";
> tempGrid.columns[1].visible=false;
> tempGrid.columns[2].dataField="@question_sortOrder";
> tempGrid.columns[2].visible=false;
> tempGrid.rowCount = tempGridList.length();
> tempGrid.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,qDgClick,true,1,false);
> newPanel.addChild(tempGrid);
> }
> }
> }
> }
> }
> //This is an addon to the above function
> private function newTempGridicd9ColFilter(element:*, index:int,
> var quickArrayicd9:Array =
> return (quickArrayicd9.indexOf(element.dataField) != -1);
> }
> private function tempGridColFilter(element:*, index:int,
> var quickArray:Array =
> return (quickArray.indexOf(element.dataField) != -1);
> }

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