Sorry about multiple posts. Here is the update,

The compilation error was due to having mxmlc.jar in CLASSPATH from SDK 3.4 
while FLEX_HOME was pointing to SDK 3.4 installation. Once I
went back to SDK 3.3, air installer created on Linux started working
on Windows again. 

I also created the dump of the configuration files(using -dump-config option) 
during the build on both Linux & Windows while (using SDK 3.4 on bothe Linux & 
Windows) & there was hardly any difference. Seems that there is some problem 


--- In, "aejaz_98" <aejaz...@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a build environment set on RHEL Linux which uses
> ant to produce a .air installer for my application. With
> Flex SDK 3.3 & ant the .air installer used to install
> the application successfully on Windows XP/Vista & application
> worked as expected.
> Recently I upgraded to Flex 3.4 SDK on the Linux build machine,
> but now the AIR application installed (on Windows XP) with 
> the ant generated .air installer(on the Linux build machine) doesn't show the 
> startup screen, although in the task manager I see that the process is alive.
> In order to figure out what was wrong I did quite a bit of
> searching but couldn't find anything worthwhile. Then I 
> tried the same build script on Windows XP using Flex 3.4
> SDK & the generated application(after installation) worked 
> successfully. The only difference between Linux & windows
> was that Windows XP had AIR runtime whereas Linux did not.
> Since things worked with SDK 3.3 with no AIR runtime on Linux,
> I doubt that this is an issue. 
> So far both Linux & Windows had AIR SDK 1.5.2, I then upgraded
> both to AIR SDK 1.5.3 but there was no change in behaviour
> i.e. installer produced in Windows worked but installer 
> created on Linux didn't.
> Finally, I tried using adl as follows. The installed application
> (using the .air installer created on Windows) had following 
> directory structure,
> C:\App
> C:\App\App.swf
> C:\App\META-INF\AIR\application.xml
> C:\App\META-INF\AIR\publisherid
> C:\App\META-INF\AIR\hash
> I copied all the files under META-INF to C:\App & then tried
> to run the following, command,
> C:\App> adl application.xml
> That showed the startup screen.
> Then I uninstalled the application & installed the application
> using the .air installer created on Linux & then copied the 
> contents under META-INF to c:\App & tried the same command again,
> this time the startup screen didn't show up but on the command 
> prompt, following error was shown,
> VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::WindowedApplication could not be 
> found.
>         at flash.display::MovieClip/nextFrame()
>         at mx.managers::SystemManager/deferredNextFrame()
>         at mx.managers::SystemManager/preloader_initProgressHandler()
>         at
>         at
>         at mx.preloaders::Preloader/timerHandler()
>         at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()
>         at flash.utils::Timer/tick()
> I don't have any idea about why the WindowedApplication won't
> be found in this particular case. If anyone has any clue, 
> please help.
> Thanks,
> Aejaz

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