
I posted this issue earlier, but got no replies. I'm really hoping someone
familiar with ADG oddities can help me out.

I have an Advanced DataGrid which receives an array collection of sales
information as a data provider. The data is in a flat grouping, and the only
GroupingField is "Office," which contains either "Atlanta" or "Dallas" as a
value. The rest of the data in each "row" of the data provider contains a
variety of sales statistics for a given month.

With no compareFunction at all, the ADG correctly groups the records into
two groups, with Atlanta first. But as expected, the ordering of the records
within the group doesn't reflect the contents of the original data, i.e.,
it's not ordered by month.

However, when I add a compareFunction which compares a SortDate value within
each object in the array (which is not displayed - it's simply a date
signifying the first of each month, to provide a sorting mechanism), a
strange thing happens.

Instead of two groupings, I have 6. And the ordering of the offices has been
reversed. So I get Dallas>Atlanta>Dallas>Atlanta>

Within each grouping, the records are correctly sorted by descending date
values. And the groups themselves, when expanded, show that all the records
in Dallas and Atlanta groups are sorted correctly - but they're broken into
all those extra groups.

I have verified that the records coming into the application all have the
correct values for the Office and SortDate fields, so the problem isn't

Here's the ADG:

<mx:AdvancedDataGrid width="1125" height="265" id="monthlyTotalGrid"
defaultLeafIcon="{null}" wordWrap="true"
         variableRowHeight="true" initialize="rc.refresh();"
selectionColor="#fcffcd" sortableColumns="false" sortExpertMode="true">
            <mx:GroupingCollection id="rc" source="{monthlyTotals}">
                        <mx:GroupingField name="Office"
groupingFunction="createGroupLabel" compareFunction="compareDate" />
            <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Month"
headerWordWrap="true" width="150" />
            <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Total Cases"
headerWordWrap="true" textAlign="center" />
... several other columns go here


... and here's my compareFunction:

private function compareDate(a:Object,b:Object):int{
            var aTime:Number = a.SortDate.getTime();
            var bTime:Number = b.SortDate.getTime();
            if(aTime < bTime){
                return 1;
                return -1;
            else return 0;


I'm very inexperienced with the ADG, so it's probably something simple I'm
missing. Any help would be appreciated.



Tom McNeer
1735 Johnson Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30306

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