
I'm quite new to Flex and was wondering if it's possible to use Meta Tags to
declare the custom Event that is to be fired from the 'popup' component.

And then assign that Custom Event to the function handler in the parent MXML
or AS file?

I guess this is the same as Geoff and Vaibhav's suggestion? Why do you guys
suggest that the parent dispatches the event. Doesn't that cause compoenent
coupling which I understand to be a bad thing?...

Thanks - as I say, I'm new to this stuff so am curious to the thoughts of
those in the know...


2009/12/18 Fotis Chatzinikos <fotis.chatzini...@gmail.com>

> Either what Valdor suggested, or in your pop window have a "componentOwner"
> refrence which you use to dispatch your event:
> popup:
> public var componentOwner:DisplayObject ;
> popup dispatches event:
> componentOwner.dispatchEvent(...your event...) ;
> application using the popup:
> thePopUp = new MyCustomPopUp() ;
> thePopUp.componentOwner = this ;
> PopUpManager.addPopUp(thePopUp) ;
> On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 10:05 PM, markflex2007 <markflex2...@yahoo.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to dispatch event in popup window and capture the event
>> in base page.
>> Please give me a idea how to do this.
>> Thanks
>> Mark
> --
> Fotis Chatzinikos, Ph.D.
> Founder,
> LivinData Technologies
> www.styledropper.com
> fotis.chatzini...@gmail.com,

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