I've traced this further and the problem is that the id property of the flex 
application is null on linux but populated on as expected on Windows and Mac.

the actual code is slightly different to what I posted below.

it should read:

params.module = application.id

The "module" parameter is the one with the null value.

The SDK version is 3.4

any ideas?


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "ynotob" <t...@...> wrote:
> I have the following http service defined
> <mx:HTTPService
>     id="httpListUser"
>     url="{listUserUrl}"
>     method="POST"
>     fault="listUserFaultHandler(event);"
>     resultFormat="e4x"
>     result="listUserHandler(event)" />
> I call it with the following code:
> var params:Object = new Object();
> params.request = "action.list.user";
> params.email = txtEmail.text;
> params.boson = new Date().getMilliseconds() // Added to prevent the result 
> from being cached.
> httpListUser.send(params);
> This works fine on the server side when the flex application is run in a 
> windows and a mac client but it failing when being run on a linux client.  On 
> the server side the "request" parameter comes through as null.
> The linux version of the flash player is 10r42.

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