That's exactly what you should do.  To get around the the titleBar add
the box to rawChildren. <>
--- In, "invertedspear" <invertedsp...@...>
> Alternatively it would be nice if I could extend the Panel class to
allow me to add click events to the title area at the top, but I can't
find any way of making that public so I can do it outside of my custom
class, any ideas on exposing that protected property?
> Thanks
> --- In, "invertedspear" invertedspear@
> >
> > This should be easy but I'm kind of a newbie.
> >
> > The concept of this seems easy, but I'm having trouble getting it
right and can't find anything to help me on this.
> >
> > I have a panel I need to perform a drag and drop operation on, but I
only want to perform that if the user mouses down on a particular area
of the panel. I can add an Icon to the panel by doing this:
> >
> > **************************************************
> > [Embed("/img/icon.png")]
> > [Bindable]
> > public var dragIcon:Class;
> >
> > newPanel.titleIcon = dragIcon;
> > **************************************************
> >
> > But what I really want to add is a box, which I can then add my
listeners to for the drag and mouse down like I do on some canvases
created in actionscript like so:
> >
> > **************************************************
> > var tempBox:Box = new Box;
> > tempBox.x=0;
> > tempBox.y=0;
> > tempBox.width = 20;
> > tempBox.height = 44;
> > tempBox.setStyle("horizontalAlign","center");
> > tempBox.setStyle("verticalAlign","middle");
> > tempBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,over);
> > tempBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT,out);
> > tempBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,mouseDownAnswer);
> > var tempImg:Image = new Image();
> > tempImg.source = grabbableItem;
> > tempBox.addChild(tempImg);
> > myCanvas.addChild(tempBox);
> > **************************************************
> >
> > So what do I need to do to use that tempBox and turn it into a class
to be used as my panels titleIcon?
> >

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