Heres how I solved it:

[Bindable] public var timer:Timer = new Timer(50);
private function autoScrollSection(active:Boolean,cont:VBox):void{
                cont.verticalScrollPosition += -20;
            if(cont.mouseY> int(cont.height-50)){
                cont.verticalScrollPosition += +20;

Then changed the calls in mouse down and drag drop to this respectively


It works, but feels like a bit of a hack. I welcome any better suggestions.

--- In, "invertedspear" <invertedsp...@...> wrote:
> I have a VBox containing a bunch of panels. I have implemented dragging and 
> dropping but I need to be able to scroll automatically when the item is drug 
> near the edge. I am having mixed results. I can get it to work, but not well. 
> My example is below. It works if the user bounces their mouse around a little 
> near the top or bottom edge, but I want it to work if they just hold the 
> mouse there. Any suggestions?
> On Mouse down (I'm doing several other things but this is one of them):
> VBox(di.parent).addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE,autoScrollSection,true,500);
> On dragDrop
> VBox(evt.currentTarget.parent).removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, 
> autoScrollSection,true);
> Here is the autoScroll function:
> private function autoScrollSection(evt:MouseEvent):void{
>     var tempVBox:VBox = VBox(evt.currentTarget);
>     if(tempVBox.mouseY<50){
>         tempVBox.verticalScrollPosition += -50;
>     }
>     if(tempVBox.mouseY> int(tempVBox.height-50)){
>         tempVBox.verticalScrollPosition += +50;
>     }
> }
> So if they are within 50px of an edge then it should scroll by 50px. I've 
> exaggerated the numbers just to get an affect.

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