There are several ways to do this.  I usually use javascript in the html
wrapper to split the url params in to an array:

var _sPassedUrlParms = new String(document.location).split('?')[1];  //Get
any passed-in querystring parms

then, I pass that into the Flex app using flashvars:


"src", "${swf}",


 "flashvars", _sPassedUrlParms,


Then I access those flashvar values in Flex using
application.application.parameters object, which will have a property:value
for each passed in url param.


You can also use ExternalInterface to get the URL information instead of
using the javascript, google for examples of that.  I found this component
that seems to encapsulate that functionality:


Tracy Spratt,

Lariat Services, development services available


From: [] On
Behalf Of Penny Laus
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2010 10:41 PM
Subject: [SPAM] [flexcoders] Reading URL arguments from within initApp()



I'm working on a registration system that will be used by new and
existing participants. The customer would like to be able to email
existing participants a URL that bypasses the login screen. So, if the
usual URL is <> com/register.html

They would like to use a URL that skips the landing screen and goes
right to the registration details (name, address, etc.): <>

(Those aren't the exact arguments but should illustrate the point.)

I've been hunting around but haven't sorted out where to find the
correct properties. If I can read in the URL, I can pass the data to
my existing login function and carry on from there. If there's a more
standard/best-practice way of starting the app with URL arguments, I'm
all ears. Would someone be so kind as to point me in the right
direction? Chances are, I just haven't figured out the right name for
the feature I'm after.


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