Well, thank God I have the source code for ProgressBar.as

I tracked it down to this:

if (_indeterminate && _source == null && _mode ==
ProgressBarMode.EVENT && visible)

So, if you set ProgressBar.source then animation will never work.  The
only way you can get this to work is to set ProgressBar.mode =
"event", but don't attach a source.  Attach your own ProgressEvent
listener to your source.  When you first hit that event do something
like this:

private function onProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void {
        if(progressBar.indeterminate) {
                trace("setting indeterminate to false");
                progressBar.indeterminate = false;
                progressBar.mode = "manual";
        progressBar.setProgress(e.bytesLoaded, e.bytesTotal);

Now, you have to set it back to "manual" mode so you can update the
progress -- pretty screwy...but it works.

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Davis Ford
<davisf...@zenoconsulting.biz> wrote:
> Hi, I'm looking at the following simple example:
> http://blog.flexexamples.com/2007/10/31/pausing-the-animation-in-an-indeterminate-progressbar-control/
> That shows how the animation on the indeterminate property of
> ProgressBar is only animated when the mode is set to "event".  It woks
> on the live demo on that page, but I can't seem to get it to work for
> me.
> <mx:ProgressBar
>        width="100%"
>        id="progressBar"
>        indeterminate="false"
>        indeterminateMoveInterval="50"
>        minimum="0"
>        maximum="100"
>        visible="true"
>        mode="event"
>        source="{fileRef}"
>        labelPlacement="center"/>
> The progress bar is meant to show the progress of a file upload.
> {fileRef} is a FileReference I get from having the user browse.  This
> all works great.  The file is uploaded, and the progress bar shows the
> status updates.  Below are the two functions related to this.  So,
> when the user clicks the Upload button, I set indeterminate to true,
> and it shows me the indeterminate style, but there is no animation.
> When a ProgressEvent.PROGRESS is fired, I switch off indeterminate and
> see the progress bar show status updates as the file uploads.
> My question is why don't I see the indeterminate animation?  The mode
> is clearly set to be "event".  Any ideas?  Thanks in advance -- davis
> /**
>  * Handler when upload button is clicked
>  */
> private function upload():void {
>        // set to indeterminate
>        progressBar.indeterminate = true;
>        // add form params to our post
>        var params:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
>        params.description = descriptionText.text;
>        params.applicationId = urlText.text;
>        params.indexFile = indexFileText.text;
>        urlRequest.data = params;
>        // add event listeners
>        fileRef.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onUploadComplete);
>        fileRef.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress);
>        // disable upload button so they can't upload while in progress
>        uploadBtn.enabled = false;
>        // do upload
>        fileRef.upload(urlRequest);
> }
> /**
>  * Need to trap on this to turn off progress bar indeterminate
>  */
> private function onProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void {
>        if(progressBar.indeterminate) {
>                trace("setting indeterminate to false");
>                progressBar.indeterminate = false;
>        }
> }

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