I am trying to implement a contextual help system in a large flex app that's 
using pureMVC.  Has anyone tried this at an enterprise app level?

I am wondering the best way to architect this so help can be contextually 
available at module level, and even at component level. 

I have started by creating a helpManager Class that is registered with the 
Facade that carries a basic XML, holding 'keys' for individual modules and 
components throughout the site.  This XML is loaded in at app init time, and 
iterated through to create a contextualHelpSet Object.  This object is then 
searched everytime a new location or interaction occurs in the app.  If this 
location/interaction has a key associated with it inside the object, a help 
button appears to show the user that help is available, and the key also 
provides the proper path to the corresponding help document.  

I have a few questions.  

Iterating through an object on every location/interaction seems pretty 
expensive.  Is there an equivalent of a Hash Map or a fast enough type of 
search that would make this perform optimally?  Or, another approach altogether?

Would I be better off creating a property on each location/object for its 
contextual help information, instead of searching for a key in a centralized 
object that contains all the help info?

Any ideas are welcome!  Thanks

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