My browser-deployed Flex app, built in FB4, is using the 
ExternalInterface. The Flex app gets some search terms from the user, 
goes out to a webservice for some data, and then pushes some html markup 
out to a DIV in the HTML document using the 
I send the content across the bridge as a parameter to javascript 
function that appends a child to the target DIV. Nice and simple with 
the EI. However, I have a couple of questions about the logistics of 
developing this sort of application in FlashBuilder.

When "Export Release Build" is chosen from the Project menu in FB4, it 
destroys and recreates the HTML deployment wrapper for the SWF. Is there 
any way for the developer to provide an HTML document template to FB, 
marked up with comments/metadata tags, such that only the Adobe 
browser-sniffing code and SWF-embed code gets overwritten but the rest 
of the HTML document (the user-portion) remains intact?

Also, is it possible to set up a project in FB4 that uses the 
ExternalInterface, where you can step through code in the debugger and 
also see pushed content being rendered in the HTML document hosting the 
SWF?  In debug mode it seems not possible to work with your actual HTML 
host document and its javascript functions-- or am I missing something 
obvious? I am pretty new to FB and that could easily be the case.

Finally, will future versions of the ExternalInterface expose the DOM of 
the hosting document via ActionScript object wrappers?


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