You need to set the correct channel for the remoting operation.

In my case I am using WebORB. In my remoting-config.xml I can set the
destination node to use whichever channel that I want to use.

For example:
<destination id="MySecureDestination">
         <channel ref="my-secure-amf"/>

You could also do it directly in ActionScript without a 
remoting-config.xml file:

channelSet = new ChannelSet();
amfChannel = new AMFChannel("my-secure-amf",
myService = new RemoteObject();
myService.channelSet = channelSet;
myService.destination = "Examples.Accounts";
myService.requestTimeout = 30;
myService.getData.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, resultHandler);
myService.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, faultHandler);

--- In, "Laurence" <lmacne...@...> wrote:
> So, let's say I have a <mx:RemoteObject> in my program...  I want it
to communicate with the server via SSL, or some other method whereby the
credit-card numbers it sends to-and-from the server are encrypted.
> Here's how it's structured currently:
> <mx:RemoteObject id="roPaymentInfo" destination="ColdFusion"
>    showBusyCursor="true" source="{'cfcs.dao.PaymentsDAO'}">
>    <mx:method name="getPayments"
>    <mx:method name="addPayment"
> </mx:RemoteObject>
> Do I have to make my entire program secure via an https:// in the URL,
or is there a way to encrypt just that one <mx:RemoteObject>?  If there
is a way to secure just the one object, how is that done?
> Thanks,
> Laurence MacNeill
> Mableton, Georgia, USA

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