
Are there any frameworks/ methods of working/ general thoughts on how to
design business applications.

By this I mean best practices to load a flex app, show a login screen,
display a search screen, get data, show results, double click to view detail
form, etc...

I realise we can use Cairngorm, MATE, etc for the overall event mamagement
but what about defining those events or having a naming convention or
approach to follow? Does one exist?

My background is 4D DB (www.4d.com) and there are great ways to work and
certain events are good for loading data, related data in sub screens. I'm
not trying to replacte 4D within Flex because architectural it's different
but I guess every developer is faced with similar issues and to overcome the
same hurdles and was hoping there are some good practices out there I can

Thanks for reading...


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