At the moment I have an application which is meant to produce live thumbnail 
images of websites. Currently how it does this is a html component (myhtml) 
loads websites via it's location property changing from website to website and 
upon fully loading of each site a "snapshot" is taken of the html component and 
saved as a bitmap and applied as the source of an image corresponding to that 
particular site (abcnewsimage and bbcnewsimage). However I now need to insert 
these snapshots within the 'icon' properties of 2 array collections 
(myTilelistAArrayCollection and myTilelistBArrayCollection) which act as 
dataproviders to populate 2 tilelists (mtTilelistA and myTilelistB).

Basically I need the same images to appear automatically within the tilelists 
the way they do in the 2 images as the snapshots are taken by applying the same 
bitmaps into the currently empty 'icon' properties of the 2 tilelists i.e. the 
icon of the ABC News Item of both array collections must be the same as the 
abcnewsimage and appear as it appears and the same for the BBC News Item icon 
being the same as the bbcnewsimage picture as that appears.

It should look like the images aare appearing in the tilelist at the same time 
as they are appearing in the regular images. What will I need to ut into the 
icon properties to do this?

I hope this makes sense and if anyone can help me out it would be much 
appreciated. :-)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=""; 
layout="absolute" verticalAlign="middle" backgroundColor="white" width="1024" 
            import mx.collections.*;

            private function takeSnapshot(event:Event) :void
                var imageBitmapData:BitmapData = 
ImageSnapshot.captureBitmapData(myhtml) ;
                    case "":
                        abcnewsimage.source = new Bitmap(imageBitmapData);
                        myhtml.location = "";;
                    case "":
                        bbcnewsimage.source = new Bitmap(imageBitmapData);

      private var myTilelistAArrayCollection:ArrayCollection = new 
        {id:"ABC New Item", label:"ABCNews", icon:""},
        {id:"BBC News Item", label:"BBC News", icon:""}
      private var myTilelistBArrayCollection:ArrayCollection = new 
        {id:"ABC News Item", label:"ABCNews", icon:""},
        {id:"BBC News Item", label:"BBC News", icon:""}
    <mx:HBox x="10" y="10">
        <mx:Image id="abcnewsimage" width="100" height="100" 
        <mx:Image id="bbcnewsimage" width="100" height="100" 

    <mx:HTML id="myhtml" location=""; 
complete="takeSnapshot(event)" width="250" height="250" 
horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off"  x="10" y="118"/>
    <mx:TileList x="268" y="118" width="294" height="250" id="myTilelistA" 
dataProvider="{myTilelistAArrayCollection}" rowHeight="100" columnWidth="100"/>
    <mx:TileList x="570" y="118" width="294" height="250" id="myTilelistB" 
dataProvider="{myTilelistBArrayCollection}" rowHeight="100" columnWidth="100"/>

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