Looks like it was a community patch.  I don’t think it is quite right now.

ObjectUtil.copy with all classes involved having registerClassAlias should work.

On 2/17/10 9:10 AM, "Mike" <msl...@mslinn.com> wrote:

I just noticed the ObjectUtil.clone() method, new for Flex SDK 4.

public static function clone(value:Object):Object
 var result:Object = copy(value);
 cloneInternal(result, value);
 return result;

private static function cloneInternal(result:Object, value:Object):void
 result.uid = value.uid;
 var classInfo:Object = getClassInfo(value);
 var v:Object;
 for each (var p:* in classInfo.properties)
 v = value[p];
 if (v && v.hasOwnProperty("uid"))
 cloneInternal(result[p], v);

UID is discussed here: 

The clone() docs say "clone() differs from copy() in that the uid property of 
each object instance is retained."  Is that not true for ObjectUtil.copy() 

Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe System, Inc.

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