I strongly recommend that you modify your database structure so that you do not 
store comma separated lists in a field.  

Read up on many to many relationships and intersection/linking tables.

If I had to theorize on your problem; SQL is seeing your 'ageGroups' and 
'accountType' fields as a single value; not as a list.  

 You might be able to do some string processing magic, but it sounds like a 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Wally Kolcz <wko...@...> wrote:
> I know this is out of the core topic, but I am banging my head on this 
> simple issue..or probably is...
> I am trying to write a SQL query (in ColdFusion) for my database (MySQL 
> 5) when I am looking for a passed in argument value in the column (which 
> is set as a varchar).
> I am passing in '0' for the ageGroup and 'kids' for the accountType I 
> have 'kids'
> My Query is:
> Select CONCAT(roomDisplay," (National)") as roomDisplay,
>                      CONCAT(<cfqueryparam value="#arguments.ageGroup#">, 
> "-", roomDisplay, "-", "National") as roomID
>              FROM chatrooms
>              WHERE <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.accountType#"> IN 
> (accountType)
>              AND <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.ageGroup#" 
> cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" /> IN (ageGroups)
>              ORDER BY roomDisplay ASC
> I have a record where 'ageGroups' is '0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8' and the 
> 'accountType' is 'kids, siblings, parents'
> I keep getting 0 returns but I know both values exist in at least 1 record
> What am I doing wrong?

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