I'll try the repeater. It takes a datasource, which I have a handle on. Thanks 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Darrin Kay <dar...@...> wrote:
> I just built a carousel and had a lot of these issues, now the data for this
> is comeing from an XML file, but that should not matter.  You can not make a
> panel backgroundImage dynamic, instead add a image to the panel like I did
> below.
> <mx:Repeater id="imageRepeater" dataProvider="{imageData.lastResult.panel}">
> <mx:Panel id="MainPanel" xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="
> absolute" fontFamily="gunPlayCSS" fontWeight="bold"
> title="{imageRepeater.currentItem.title}" width="450" height="253"
> themeColor="#C4BA88" borderColor="#C4BA88" headerColors="#C4BA88"
> roundedBottomCorners="true" cornerRadius="15" horizontalScrollPolicy="off"
> verticalScrollPolicy="off">
> <mx:Image id="backgroundImage" source="{imageRepeater.currentItem.background
> }" />
> <mx:Text id="panelSub" x="109" y="24" width="316" height="33" htmlText="{
> imageRepeater.currentItem.sub}" fontFamily="gunPlayCSS" fontSize="20"/>
> <mx:TextArea id="panelBody" editable="false" alpha="0" x="109" y="56"
> width="316" height="141" text="{imageRepeater.currentItem.body}"
> fontFamily="gunPlayCSS" fontSize="15" textAlign="center" themeColor="#C4BA88
> "/>
> <mx:Text text="{imageRepeater.currentItem.linkText}" click="{navigateToURL(*
> new* URLRequest(event.currentTarget.getRepeaterItem().link), *'_self'*);}"
> x="109" y="195" fontFamily="gunPlayCSS" fontSize="14" height="22" color="
> #2034F6" width="216"/>
> </mx:Panel>
> </mx:Repeater>
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 1:53 AM, flexnewbie999
> <wgb.jobsearch....@...>wrote:
> >
> >
> > I have a ArrayCollection of objects that contain an image and other fields.
> > I need to dynamically created a panel for each image in succession as the
> > collection is iterated over (at least that's the idea I've come up with). I
> > can hard code each individual image via mxml into a panel but that doesn'
> > suit my purposes as I never know how many items are in the collection. I've
> > looked at itemRenderers but that doesn't seem to go since they only appear
> > to work with grids and lists etc. I'm relatively new at this; is coding this
> > type of thing the only solution to this problem or are there components I'm
> > missing?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > 
> >

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