
We find it important to run Flex PMD to improve quality not just format

For detecting Copy Paste and duplicate code

You may as well start doing unit testing and TDD to raise the bar more..

Then we use Hudson to do our builds and run all the utils above to be sure we 
end up with the highest quality code we can produce.

--- In, Nick Middleweek <n...@...> wrote:
> Hello...
> Are there any utilities to help clean up project source code? Over the
> months, various VO's and Event Classes, etc have been added and things have
> changed making some redundant and I'd like to clean up my project.
> Rather than go through it all manually, are there any utilities to help?
> I've once read that it's possible to compile with a special switch to output
> some Verbose compiler messages, would this do the trick?
> Thanks!
> Nick

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