I don't know of any here in the north (CA26 3QS).

Two years ago I went to an Adobe event in London for AIR and that was 
very good. If there were more I would go.

I recently attended Seb Lee-Delisle's course on Papervison3D in Brighton 
and that was also good.

I am sure Flash On the Beach would be worthwhile. It's always sold out.

Please let me know if you hear of anything.


Clark Stevenson wrote:
> Is there any events on in Scotland or the North of England at any 
> point during the year which i could attend? It seems Flash on the 
> Beach is the only UK conference i have heard about, but lets face it, 
> if im going to save up to visit anywhere, its not going to be to 
> Brighton for a few days of geek speak!!!

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