I'm really grateful to your answers, thanks  Mr. Tuli.

--- On Sun, 2/28/10, Peeyush Tuli <peeyus...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Peeyush Tuli <peeyus...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex stress Testing
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, February 28, 2010, 8:12 AM



      theoretically you could achieve what you mentioned by opening a 1000 
browser windows with some manual effort, but it would be hard to generate some 
good statistics and concurrency out of it. Can't be termed as a controlled 
environment. What you would need is a tool which can simulate such a scenario 
and allow you to control the params -

http://www.eviware. com/blogs/ oleblog/? p=861

http://blog. rubyamf.org/ 2008/01/20/ amf-stress- testing-flex- ruby-jmeter/

http://www.adobe. com/devnet/ flex/articles/ amf_perftest. html


http://www.mds. asia

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 9:10 PM, as sass <apar...@yahoo. com> wrote:



Yes, we want to implement a "load test" in fact. We want to test our system for 
concurrent sessions/users. For example, in FlexMonkey for one user it does the 
functional test. But i want to do a load test for 1000 or 10000 concurent users 
that sending amf request to the server and trace the results about time.

As a conclusion, the thing that i want is,  a kind of merged version: 
FlexMonkey functionality + load test for Flex application that sending amf 
requests from different buttons, actions to server.

--- On Fri, 2/26/10, Peeyush Tuli <peeyus...@gmail. com> wrote:

From: Peeyush Tuli <peeyus...@gmail. com>
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex stress Testing

To: flexcod...@yahoogro ups.com
Date: Friday,
 February 26, 2010, 3:30 AM


      it seems like you want to test your system for concurrent sessions/users. 
I am not sure how does that relate to flex which is a client technology. Do you 
intend to stress test your back end/server infrastructure like webservices, 
LCDS/Blazeds infrastructure?

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 3:36 PM, as sass <apar...@yahoo. com> wrote:




Hi, everybody,, i want to learn how to flex user-stress testing. For example, i 
want to test how my system shows feedback after 10000 users enter the system. 
How can i trace the request and response?Which tool can accept my needs? 

Thank you...
















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