Hi All,

I am trying to support video playback of a H264 video downloaded off my web
server(progressive download) from a pre determined location.

What I am doing is:

- Set the source of the VideoDisplay to the URL of my H264 video
- Call play on the VideoDisplay(load begins)
- Set the VideoDisplay.playheadTime to the determined location in seconds


- Video player state goes, loading, buffering, seeking and seems to be stuck
in seeking state
- Video player does play from the start however is unresponsive to calls to
pause, stop ect...

I have had limited success with delaying the update of the playheadTime
until the first playHeadUpdate is dispatched, at this point I can set the
playheadTime only as far as the current video has been loaded, seeking deep
into the file has the same results posted above. At this point I am thinking
I need to convert my determined position in seconds to a bytesLoaded value
and load without calling play and when bytesLoaded hits my marker call play
after setting the position. I am not sure this is nessesary as the docs
state "If the new playhead position is past the end of the video, or past
the amount of the video file downloaded so far, then the control still
attempts the seek.".

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Any help is much appreciated.



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