in creation complete add this.isPopUp = true;
Make sure u get rid of all the listeners ...

From: xmwang1982 <>
Sent: Fri, March 5, 2010 4:30:30 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Can't move titlewindow in an Application

Hi experts,

I have a class inheriting TitleWindow, and I add the following code to enable 
drag/drop of the title window by press on the title bar:

private function onCreationComplete( evt:Event) :void
this.titleBar. addEventListener (MouseEvent. MOUSE_DOWN, startDragWin) ;
this.titleBar. addEventListener (MouseEvent. MOUSE_UP, stopDragWin) ;
this.titleBar. addEventListener (MouseEvent. MOUSE_OUT, stopDragWin) ; 
this.addEventListen er(DragEvent. DRAG_DROP, moveSelf);

private function moveSelf(evt: DragEvent) :void
this.x = evt.stageX;
this.y = evt.stageY; 

private function startDragWin( evt:MouseEvent) :void

this.startDrag( );

private function stopDragWin( evt:MouseEvent) :void

this.stopDrag( );

I added the object as the top level child of an application. However the 
settings of x and y are not working. The window is not moved.

I have been confused for long. Any possible reason?

Layout of application is: layout="absolute"

The following attributes were set for the title window in the MXML of the 

<MyTitleWindow backgroundAlpha= "0.5" bottom="10" right="10" width="400" 
height="300" ...>

I guess these initial settings don't matter at all.

Please suggest. Thanks in advance.



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