I've built an application in Flash Builder 4 and am working on the final
piece; the security.


Not knowing much of anything about the zend framework, I've done a few
searches on the Internet looking for examples on how to use zend_auth
and zend_acl.


All of the examples I found are written for the MVC, which I really
never cared for in Flex 3 and my code was similar to Flash Builder 4.
Regardless, I just can't seem to grasp the concept of how zend_auth and
zend_acl work.  To make matters worse, I'm a coldfusion guy and know
only a fair amount of PHP.  (I'm using the project to learn more about


Has anyone worked with Flashbuilder 4/zend_acl/zend_auth and care to
share the process?


 Thanks much.


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