Not sure if this is the proper forum or not for LCDS related questions, but 
here goes:

We have a small demo app that is built with Flex and LCDS 2.6 using Hibernate 
and mySQL.  I am running into some issues with network performance and it 
appears to be either slow response from the server or network congestion.  I'm 
getting a message that say:

"Message throttled: Too many messages sent to destination 
productoptions.hibernate in too small of a time interval.  actual 
frequency=15000 max frequency=500" 

and the user gets alert messages in the app.  I'm new to this LCDS thing so my 
questions are:

1)  How do you configure the message throttle settings appropriately?  Is there 
a guide or reference for an approach to this?

2)  I know there is an "IGNORE" setting for the throttle settings. Should that 
setting be used in this case?  Does it impact data integrity if used?

3)  Due to firewall issues, I cannot use RTMP.  I am using AMF, but is there a 
preferred protocol that might help for message processing or issues with slow 
or intermittent network performance?

There seems to be a bit of black magic in this that I haven't figured out, 
coupled with the fact this is a totally new area for me, so any thoughts would 
be appreciated.


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