Thanks! I will look into that. For now, is there a quick and dirty way to not 
show the scrollbar so users can't thumb through the results? I would still need 
the ability to scroll through the datagrid, either through the up/down arrow 
keys or the wheel on the mouse.

thanks again!

--- In, Jeffrey Vroom <j...@...> wrote:
> Back when I was at Adobe, I had a demo which did paging with 60K records in
> the query being scrolled.   It probably could have done more if I tried
> since it was doing everything incrementally, though I'll admit the
> experience was not perfect, particularly if you moved the thumb too quickly.
> This was using the DataService with LCDS on the backend but it would be the
> same client code with "client data management" in flex builder.
> There were some tricks to deal with the big data sets:
>    - paging automatically pages in objects but never releases the paged in
> objects by default.  You can add this manually with the
> releaseItemsFromCollection method.  You put this into a scroll event
> handler, periodically (but not too often) releasing any invisible data.
>    - keeping the page request queue from getting too large.   This was one
> problem I never solved completely... as you move the thumb, the data grid
> can request pages faster than they can be filled/released.   There should be
> a way to either limit the page requests or keep them in a queue that can be
> flushed if you call the release method.
> I did a quick google search on "releaseItemsFromCollection" and it looks
> like the code from my demo made it into the LCDS docs.  Not sure that even
> with this call it will do what you want but without that release call, the
> automatic paging stuff would eventually just keel-over from having too much
> in-memory.  If that seems like the major problem, it might be worth trying
> it out.
> Jeff
> On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 11:28 AM, iloveyouwisconsin <
> iloveyouwiscon...@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Maybe I'll have to wait until Flex 7 (or later) 'til they truly make flex
> > able to handle large datasets smoothly. (I guess I'll also have to advise
> > those at Adobe and the flex evangelists that what they define as a "large"
> > dataset isn't large in practice. They probably need to moonlight as interns
> > for a few of their customers to snapback into reality. There's no company in
> > the real world that would define a large dataset as only a few thousand
> > items)
> >
> > --- In <>,
> > "iloveyouwisconsin" <iloveyouwisconsin@> wrote:
> > >
> > > How many records is considered "too large" for a datagrid to handle? I am
> > using Flex 4 with Zend AMF & paging enabled. When I google it the topic,
> > most seem to think that a "few thousand" is large, but that doesn't seem
> > hardly anything to me. I thought Zend would do the trick but it isn't
> > anywhere near what I need. My 15 million records didn't go over too well (I
> > can use the scroll wheel on my mouse to scroll through the records but it
> > kept crashing when I tried to use the scrollbar on the datagrid to jump
> > around). I ask because I don't want to have to jimmy around with code until
> > I'm blue in the face trying to find something flex can handle. Can I do 1
> > million? 5,000? 500,000? I just want to be able to let users play around w/
> > the scrollbar on the datagrid without it crashing, is all (though I realize
> > that the user's machine will play a big factor in performance. All of my
> > users have computers that are no more than a couple yrs old)
> > >
> > > I also ask because I am sure others would like to know for their
> > there a more efficient way to get the data than Zend, like
> > Livecycle or Coldfusion? I am willing to switch the backend up a bit in
> > order to increase performance of my app.
> > >
> > >
> > > many thanks!
> > >
> >
> >  
> >

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