Very simple Flex (FB3) application which subscribes to a ColdFusion 9
DataServicesMessaging Event Gateway using the CF9 "embedded" BlazeDS.

Issue: When the Flex application starts, the mx:Consumer component
returns the following faultSting "Duplicate subscription. Another client
has already subscribed with the clientId,

If I reload the page in the browser the error does  not occur and the
application works as expected.

I have a ColdFusion page that sends a message to the CF Event Gateway. 
The gateway is working because the "out" count increases each time I
send a message and, once I reload the Flex page, the messages from the
CF page show up on the Flex page.

Here is the code for the cfm page that sends a message to the CF

<!--- If form submitted, send message --->
<cfif IsDefined("FORM.message")>
     <cfset msg=StructNew()>
     <cfset msg.body="#FORM.message#">
     <cfset msg.destination="ColdFusionGateway">
     <cfset ret=SendGatewayMessage("Flex2CF", msg)>
     <cfif ret>
         Message sent.
         Message failed.
     <br />

<!--- Form --->
<cfform name="form1" action="#CGI.SCRIPT_NAME#">
<cfinput type="text" name="message">
<br />
<cfinput type="submit" name="sbmt" value="Send">


Here is the Flex application code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="";
         layout="vertical" creationComplete="initApp()">

             import mx.messaging.messages.IMessage;
             import mx.messaging.Consumer;
             import mx.controls.Alert;

             private function initApp():void{

              private function messageHandler(event:MessageEvent):void{
                 cfmsg.text = event.message.body.toString();
     <mx:Consumer id="cons" destination="ColdFusionGateway"
     <mx:Label id="cfmsg" width="100" />
     <mx:Label text="Connected={cons.connected}
Subscribed={cons.subscribed}" />


My messaging-config.xml file is the original one that was installed with

This is running locally  using the built-in CF webserver

Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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