So looks like the only way to monkey patch when using libraries is just to have 
copies of all the mx.* monkey patched files in ALL projects. Only be doing this 
will the compiler be happy and it doesn't consider those files as duplicates.

--- In, "tntomek" <tnto...@...> wrote:
> Seems like monkey patching works when everything is included in 1 project but 
> not when using libraries. What happens when I have 2 projects and monkey 
> patch is in other one.
> i.e.
> MainAppProject (contains MainApp.mxml)
>  -SomeLibraryProject (this has the monkey patch code, i.e. Button)
> Now in my MainApp.mxml I'm unable to reference my version of the code.
> I understand if I use RSLs I can force load my class first so runtime would 
> work, but how do I get compile time access to this class? What if I added a 
> new property (in library project) and I want to access that property from 
> MainApp? The compiler has no idea and I can't build. This forces me to make 
> the monkey patch class implement some interface that would guarantee compile 
> time changes, but this is getting way more complicated then it needs to. Any 
> other ideas?
> -Tom Gruszowski (

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