I just upgraded to flash builder 4 from the beta version. I imported my project 
and now my datagrid is acting funny. I have data paging enabled. The one thing 
I tweaked was on this part: 

Instead of setting the "Count operation" to "count()", I've set it to "None". I 
have a large amount of data and setting it to "None" makes the thumb larger so 
that users can use it. It also disables the ability to "jump" pages (which uses 
a lot of memory if you have a datagrid).

Everything worked fine in the beta version of flash builder but in the non-beta 
version I came across a problem: I can initially page (with my mouse wheel) a 
few times and then it just stops for no reason. I try to keep scrolling w/ the 
mouse wheel and nothing. However, if I click on a row, then it will get another 
page. I have to continue to click on the rows in order to get another page. 
Annoying, to say the least.

Anyone notice this? I didn't change anything so figured it must be the updated 
version. (You can see for yourself w/ your own project...just change the Count 
operation to "none" and then try to page through the datagrid).....any 

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