On 14/04/2010 23:48, trefalgar wrote:
> The majority of my flex work revolves around graphing data. If for some 
> reason a user picks a lot of statistics to graph, over an even longer period 
> of time, the amount of data that comes back to the Flash application 
> overwhelms flash, consuming all of the boxes resources and regularly crashing 
> the browser.

"A lot" gives nobody any clue of how much data is involved.
> Is there anything in the developers bag of tricks to help with this kind of 
> problem, or is the sheer amount of data too much for the 
> application/SDK/solution to handle?
If the crashes take place over time, it sounds as though your 
application is just consuming resources and not releasing or reusing 
them. In such cases it's often more a matter of programming technique 
rather than a flash limitation. You'll need to explain how you handle 
the data and plot the graphs.
> I understand I can put a limit on the amount of data returned, but as the 
> user states, "I can pull it out of the database, via Excel, and it works"
> Tref

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