    I cant associate the state with the data, and I cant find any info
about itemRendereFunction. Do you have any link about it? According to my
code, I would think this just should happen.

I re write down my code:

<mx:CheckBox click="seleccionar(event)" selected="{seleccionado()}" >
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import gestion.vo.ComunidadVO;
import gestion.model.GestionModelLocator;
 public function seleccionar(event:MouseEvent):void{
if (this.selected==true){
var index:int=locaciones.getItemIndex(data);
public function seleccionado():Boolean{
public function enable(comunidadVO:ComunidadVO):Boolean{
return comunidadVO.nombre!=null && comunidadVO.nombre!="";

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 3:10 PM, Oleg Sivokon <olegsivo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, the list based controls may reuse the item renderers, however they
> might not be aware of the changes that had happened to them. Normally you
> would store the state with the data which the renderer has to display. So
> that once the data is reset, the render appearance would reset with it. If,
> for whatever reason you cannot store the state of the renderer with the
> data, you would have to store the references to either manage the how the
> item renderers are created (by using the itemRendereFunction for example),
> or update the display of the control whenever the new (or an old new) item
> renderer is added - IMO complicated.

Fernando Wermus.


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