How are you creating the form, mxml or AS? If mxml, you could create a
bindable Boolean property for each group and set the visible property of
each item set to the value of the corresponding group and just change that
one variable to show/hide a group.


[Bindable] private var group1Visible:Boolean = true;
[Bindable] private var group2Visible:Boolean = false;

<FormItem visible="{group1Visible}" ...>
<FormItem visible="{group1Visible}" ...>
<FormItem visible="{group2Visible}" ...>
<FormItem visible="{group2Visible}" ...>

Somewhere in your code:

group1Visible = false;
group2Visible = true;

Haykel Ben Jemia

Web & RIA Development

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Wally Kolcz <> wrote:

> I have a Form that has different information to fill out based on a
> selected. All FormItems are contained inside a Form parent. Is there a
> way to hide/show 'groups' of FormItems (includeInLayout/Visible = false)
> and still keep the format consistent (all the labels line up)?
> I tried containing FormItems in a VGroup which I can easily hide/show
> the whole group but the label alignment is off.. I don't want to
> hide/show each element since some of the information groups are pretty
> large and to condition that would be an line nightmare..

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