
we have a Flex-application that runs in HTTP-domain and makes RPC-calls to 
Tomcat based on HTTPS. That means our Flex-client is not secured by SSL but 
Java services are. We thought that this would be enough because the Flex client 
itself does not contain any sensitive data (and, by our logic, the AMF would be 
secured by securing the Java services).

However, the crossdomain policy file specification says that this is not a good 
way to do things, because we risk the man-in-the-middle attack.

(Spec can be found here: 

To me, this rises a question: is the Flex-application sending the data 
unencrypted to the server nevertheless the SSL we have on the server? If this 
is the case, in which point does the encryption take place?

And moreover, how vulnerable this kind of solution is? Is it the same not to 
use HTTPS at all?

If you have any insight, please comment.


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