Flex SWFs must be on-stage in order to load.  Are you worried about missing an 
ADD_TO_STAGE event?  Maybe send a fake one on applicationComplete.

On 5/13/10 7:51 AM, "jmbo...@bellsouth.net" <jim_bo...@premierinc.com> wrote:


Your suggestion will work and in fact, that is the way we were doing it. 
Unfortunately, we needed to create a Robotlegs context so that we can listen 
for ADD_TO_STAGE events and allow it to automatically mediator our view 
components (see below).  That is why I added the sub-app as a child later.  Any 
other ideas how to make the current code work?

// Inject dependencies into the module and initiate the context since autoload 
is set
var subApp:IModule = event.moduleApp;

// Make sure the content fills the page
var subAppComponent:SubAppBase = SubAppBase(subApp);
subAppComponent.percentHeight = 100;
subAppComponent.percentWidth = 100;

/* Add to contentViewStack here based upon position
   Simply add as a child to the stub canvas that already
   exists for the module
var index:int = _moduleArray.getItemIndex(swf);
var canvas:Canvas = Canvas(contentViewStack.getChildAt(index));


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com <mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com> , Alex 
Harui <aha...@...> wrote:
> Try adding the SWFLoader to the canvas before you load it.
> On 5/12/10 12:40 PM, "jmbo...@..." <jim_bo...@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am experiencing an odd problem and I hope someone knows why.  I am loading 
> a sub-application using SWFLoader.  I listen for the Event.COMPLETE command. 
> Once the swf is loaded, I then add a listener to the SystemManager for the 
> swf and listen for the FlexEvent.APPLICATION_COMPLETE event.  At that point, 
> I add the application as a child to a Canvas that exists in a view stack (see 
> code below).  This is great, the content loads, but it doesn't seem to load 
> correctly.  The legends in my charts are not oriented the way they should be 
> and whenever I roll over an item with a tooltip, I get errors like the 
> following error:
> TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object 
> reference.
> at mx.managers::SystemManager/get 
> toolTipChildren()[C:\autobuild\3.2.0\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\SystemManager.as:1178]
> at 
> mx.charts.chartClasses::ChartBase/updateDataTipToMatchHitSet()[C:\work\flex\dmv_automation\projects\datavisualisation\src\mx\charts\chartClasses\ChartBase.as:3030]
> Does anyone have any clue what is going on??????  Thanks,
> Jim
> !!!!!!!!!! snippet where swf is loaded !!!!!!!!!!!!
> ......
> var loader:SWFLoader = null;
> if (content.contentType == ContentData.SWF)
> {
> var uri:String = content.contentUri;
> var loaderContext:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
> loaderContext.applicationDomain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain;
> loaderContext.securityDomain = SecurityDomain.currentDomain;
> /* Create the swf loader and add it as a child to a canvas
>  * so that it will have a place to display on the display list
>  */
> loader = new SWFLoader();
> loader.scaleContent = true;
> loader.loaderContext = loaderContext;
> loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadingComplete);
> loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onModuleLoadError);
> loader.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onModuleLoadError);
> loader.load(uri);
> .....
> private function onLoadingComplete(event:Event):void
> {
> var swfLoader:SWFLoader = event.currentTarget as SWFLoader;
> if (swfLoader != null && swfLoader.content != null)
> {
> /* Create an annoymous listener that dispatches an event when the module is 
> ready to show */
> sm.addEventListener(FlexEvent.APPLICATION_COMPLETE, 
> function(flexEvent:FlexEvent):void
> {
> var cmEvent:ContentManagementEvent = new 
> ContentManagementEvent(ContentManagementEvent.CONTENT_READY_TO_SHOW);
> cmEvent.moduleLoader = swfLoader;
> // Grab a reference to the module application itself
> if (flexEvent.currentTarget.application is IModule)
> {
> cmEvent.moduleApp = flexEvent.currentTarget.application as IModule;
> }
> dispatch(cmEvent);
> });
> }
> }
> }
> !!!!!!!!!! snippet when adding to Canvas !!!!!!!!!!!!
> if (event.moduleApp != null)
> {
> Logger.debug("Setting parentInjector and starting the RL context for :" + 
> moduleId);
> // Make sure the content fills the page
> var subAppComponent:SubAppBase = SubAppBase(subApp);
> subAppComponent.percentHeight = 100;
> subAppComponent.percentWidth = 100;
> /* Add to contentViewStack here based upon position
>    Simply add as a child to the stub canvas that already
>    exists for the module
>  */
> var index:int = _moduleArray.getItemIndex(swf);
> var canvas:Canvas = Canvas(contentViewStack.getChildAt(index));
> canvas.addChild(subAppComponent);
> }
> --
> Alex Harui
> Flex SDK Team
> Adobe System, Inc.
> http://blogs.adobe.com/aharui

Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe System, Inc.

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