We have a garbage-in/garbage-out policy.  If the inputs are not valid we don’t 
support any outcomes, so if your code was supplying the invalid rowIndex the 
issue would be ruled “Not a bug”, but if our code is supplying an invalid 
value, then yes, please file it.

On 6/7/10 2:48 PM, "Technusiast" <technusi...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi Alex,

It turned out, the error below is caused by setting the 
DataGrid.editedItemPosition property with an object that has invalid rowIndex 
attribute value.
For example, having a rowIndex greater than the number of rows in the datagrid.

In retrospect it would have been more helpful to get an error message directly 
indicating the invalid row (or column) index.
Nonetheless I'm glad to have root-caused it.

Should this be filed as a bug, if it hadn't been yet?


From: Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com>
To: "flexcoders@yahoogroups.com" <flexcoders@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 3, 2010 22:02:43
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] DataGrid error when scrolling to last row and 
starting item edit

Can you reproduce the problem with a  generic two-column DataGrid?

On 6/3/10 3:48 PM, "technusiast" <technusiast@ yahoo.com> wrote:


I have a subclass of the DataGrid, with two columns, each with its own 
renderer. One renderer has a button, which when clicked, starts item edit 
(consisting of a TextInput).

Consistently, when there are too many rows for one pageful, scrolling down to 
the last row and starting item edit, results in this error:

TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
at mx.controls: :DataGrid/ commitEditedItem Position( )[E:\dev\ 
4.0.0\frameworks \projects\ framework\ src\mx\controls\ DataGrid. as:4064]
at mx.controls: :DataGrid/ updateDisplayLis t()[E:\dev\ 4.0.0\frameworks 
\projects\ framework\ src\mx\controls\ DataGrid. as:1804]

Any inputs on how to solve this greatly appreciated!

Line 4064 of the DataGrid class is:
var item:IListItemRende rer = actualContentHolder .listItems[ actualRowIndex] 
[actualColIndex] ;

Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe System, Inc.

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