I have a Flex app that makes RESTful calls to a server and it works just fine 
on my Windows XP machine. One of the APIs returns a 404 NOT FOUND error if a 
requested record is not found and my Command object traps that in the fault 
method and sets up an empty Value Object as the result to pass to my form.

But when I go to use the same app in OS X it does not work, the activity window 
in Safari shows the 404 errors and it appears that these results are not being 
passed to the app, and indeed the app does nothing after the REST call is made.

Is this known behaviour with OS X? I can see that one way to change this is not 
return the 404 (though this seems like the right return code for this 
circumstance) but I'd rather find a way to just make it work on the Mac.

Anyway, I'm puzzled so thought I'd see if you guys know anything about it.



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