Thank, this worked perfectly!

--- In, "valdhor" <valdhorli...@...> wrote:
> Add a change event listener to the combo box and dispatch a custom event to 
> the owner to update the data provider.
> --- In, "jonbehr" <jonbehr@> wrote:
> >
> > I have a combobox as an itemEditor in a datagrid. I have an event listener 
> > on the datagrid (DataGridEvent.ITEM_EDIT_END) that calculates the values in 
> > adjacent datagrid cells based on the value that has been selected in the 
> > combobox. This all works fine.
> > 
> > The one area that I am struggling with however, is to force the combobox to 
> > immediately commit the selected value to the datagrid. At the moment, if a 
> > user selected a value from the combo, its necessary to lose focus (i.e. 
> > click into another cell on the datagrid, or elsewhere in the app) for the 
> > value to be committed (and its at this point that the ITEM_EDIT_END event 
> > is fired).
> > 
> > Ideally, once the user has selected an item in the combo itemeditor, Iw 
> > would like that that the combo retains focus (i.e. remains slightly raised 
> > above the datagrid cell), but that the value is immediately committed and 
> > an event is fired off.
> > 
> > Is this possible?
> >

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