thanks valdhor, it awesome

From: valdhor <>
Sent: Wed, June 16, 2010 1:39:54 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: what's happen with my 'array' ?

You don't have an array - all you have is a string. You need to convert it to 
an array. Try this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf- 8"?>
<!-- Simple example to demonstrate the ComboBox control. -->
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http: //www.adobe. com/2006/ mxml" layout="absolute"
    creationComplete= 'test()'>
            import mx.collections. ArrayCollection;
            import mx.controls. Alert;
            import mx.utils.ArrayUtil;
            [Bindable] private var cards:ArrayCollecti on;

            private function test():void
                cards = new ArrayCollection( green.text. split("," ));
    <mx:Panel title='ComboBox Control Example' layout='horizontal'
        paddingTop=' 10' paddingBottom= '10' paddingLeft= '10' paddingRight= 
        <mx:ComboBox dataProvider= '{cards}' />
            <mx:Text id='green' color='green' text="M3-02- 06-2010-10- 
05-04.flv, M3-02-06- 2010-22-17- 16.flv,M3- 02-06-2010- 12-07-06. flv,M3-02- 
06-2010-08- 03-02.flv" />

--- In flexcod...@yahoogro, cholid cholid <cholid_ridwan@ ...> wrote:
> hi all
> i've new problem
> im make mx:ComboBox that the data is from array that's request from mx:Text
> i've two mx:Text that string source is
> 1.array string = 
> ['M3-02-06-2010- 10-05-04. flv', 'M3-02-06-2010- 22-17-16. flv', 
> 'M3-02-06-2010- 12-07-06. flv', 'M3-02-06-2010- 08-03-02. flv']
> 2.array string that source is from external fungtion (call with https)
> if i call array from second mx:Text, the mx:ComboBox is not show data
> but if i call array from first, the mx:ComboBox is not working
> the source code is here:
> <?xml version='1.0' ?>
> <!-- Simple example to demonstrate the ComboBox control. -->
> http://www.adobe. com/2006/ mxml' creationComplete= 'test()'>
> <mx:HTTPService id='combolist' url='combolist' />
>       <mx:Script>
>               <![CDATA[
>                       import mx.collections. ArrayCollection;
>                       import mx.controls. Alert;
>                       import mx.utils.ArrayUtil;
>                       [Bindable]
>                       private var cards:ArrayCollecti on;
>                       private function test():void
>                       {
>                               combo = new ArrayCollection( ArrayUtil.toArray( 
> String(green. text) ) );
>                       } 
>               ]]>
>       </mx:Script>
>       <mx:Panel title='ComboBox Control Example' 
>               layout='horizontal'
>               paddingTop=' 10' paddingBottom= '10' paddingLeft= '10' 
> paddingRight= '10'>
>               <mx:ComboBox dataProvider= '{combo}' />
>               <mx:VBox>
>                       <mx:Text  id='green' color='green' text="['M3-02- 
> 06-2010-10- 05-04.flv' , 'M3-02-06-2010- 22-17-16. flv', 'M3-02-06-2010- 
> 12-07-06. flv', 'M3-02-06-2010- 08-03-02. flv']"/>
>                         <mx:Text  id='red' color='red' text="{combolist} "/>
>               </mx:VBox> 
>       </mx:Panel> 
> </mx:Application>



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