Ok, I'm encountering yet another bug.  3 found in the past 4 days...
I'm beginning to think the FB4 data management is pretty buggy and not a
lot of time was spent cleaning it up...


I'm still not sure I understand the data management functionality very
well but I found this article that helped a bit as far as code goes:


The issue seems to be that the update function doesn't like it when
there are multiple fields being updated in the single call.  I had a
foreign key that I was not adding to a dataGrid for display so that
value was coming up null in my update function.


Here's the buggy part....


I added a DataGridColumn for that field and set visible="false" then
re-ran the program and received the same error:


"Local item has changes to properties that conflict with remote change."


I decided I wanted to see that value to make sure it was getting
populated correctly so I set it to visible="true" then re-ran...


All of a sudden it was working.  The value should still exist if
visible="false" is set on the DataGridColumn.


2 days of wasted time on this one... UG.  I wish I could have found
better documentation on how the process works (or any documentation at
all...)  I would have at least realized that it's expecting to update
only one field at a time.





From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On
Behalf Of Scott
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 8:09 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] ConflictDetector... Why?



I've been arguing with the FB4 / CF9 conflict detector the past couple
of days and it's become very apparent that I'm misunderstand something.


I have a datagrid component that is populated from a CF9/MySQL
datasource.  I set the datagrid to editable and created the associated
functions to update the datagrid.  My first issue was that the function
was giving me an error : "Attempt to use managed delete method with an
item that is not managed on this client".    After hours of playing
around with this I ended up enabling datamanagement on the object for
the delete and update functions which took care of that error mesasge.  


I now get an error: "Local item has changes to properties that conflict
with remote change".  I can run the data service call manually in FB4
just fine using "Test Operation" so I know the function works.  But when
I try to update a record I get that error message.  The data I'm
presenting to the user would only be modified/changed/updated by the
data owner.  I know the items are different; that's why I'm updating the
remote DB!


1)       Why is there a conflict checker and is there a good reason that
this is in place?  

2)       Is there an easy way to turn this functionality off?


There's very little documentation out there on this subject....




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