I've got an mxml component that I've created.  Below is a simple code
sample of what I'm experiencing...


Basically I've got a component creating an array of another component.
All code hinting was working great for a while.  Then, for no apparent
reason it stopped working.  Now I can still access items within the
component if I type it manually... HOWEVER.... Anything new I add into
the child component is not accessible no matter if it's typed in
correctly or not.  It's like the compiler is stuck or is forgetting to
update the code.  I did try to "clean" the project to no avail.  I had a
similar issue happen when I nested a variable increment in an if
statement like this:

If ( nVar++ < 10 )


I've also seen issues where FB4 doesn't pick up that you forget the end
semicolon ';'  and still lets you compile and run.  I've gone over this
code many times and I know that this isn't the case as well...


The difference with that statement is that it broke all code hinting on
the component.  I was thinking it was the same type of thing so I
commented out all by the necessary code to do this operation and had the
same issue.  There were no complex statements when I ran that test.


Any ideas on what I'm experiencing?







day.mxml sample:


public function  setNumber( nNumber:number ):void


            _nNumber = nNumber;





Parent component: month.mxml


private var aryOfDays:array = new array[];


private function init():void


private var dcDay:day;


// at this point I can do a dcDay.[controlspace] and code hinting works
just fine and I can see the setNumber function




for( var nLoop:int = 0; nLoop < 10; nLoop++ )


            dcDay = new day();

            dcDay.setNumber = 1;  




// now if I try accessing something within the array of days no code
hinting works


for( nLoop = 0; nLoop < 10; nLoop++)


aryOfDays[nLoop].    // no code hinting works.  However, I can access
some properties of the object if I type it in manually so if I do this:


aryOfDays[nLoop].setNumber(1);  // this works.  No big deal I can type
it in manually BUT....








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