There's something I'm not completely understanding yet.  I've coded
around it but I'm not feeling comfortable with my solution.


My FB4 app links up with CF9 and I'm working with dates and times.


When I pull up a date from CF9 into a FB4 datagrid the time shows off by
one hour.  Eg.


2010-06-01 23:30:00 is in my MySQL DB (11:30pm).  When I load the time
from CF9 to a FB4 dataGrid it shows 2010-06-02 as the date and 12:30:00
as the time so the day advances because the time is one hour ahead.  


My initial thought is that it's something to do with either the timezone
or day light savings time.  Right now I just set a variable that I call
DST, set it to -1 and then subtract it from the date before I manipulate
the date and time.


Even getting the UTC date/time then using the timezone still gets it off
one hour without accounting for DST (that's why I think I'm dealing with
daylight savings time)


Can anyone confirm this or shed any light on what is going on?  I don't
want FB to worry about date and time; I want to do all of this through
CF9 on the server side.  I don't want to worry if the user has their
computer set correctly for their timezone and daylight savings time.  I
just want FB to display the time it pulls directly from the CF9 object I
provide it.


 Thanks a ton.


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