
The Flex SDK can do what you want, but the default behavior is for it to unwrap 
collections and enclosing types which only contain one item.  This default was 
not a good idea, IMO.

Have you tried setting Operation.forcePartArrays true?
You will need to obtain the mx.rpc.soap.Operation from the WebService first.

You can alter the default behavior by writing a custom deserializer (which is a 
non-trivial task, made more difficult by the ASDoc being turned off.)

For more information about Flex WebService, see my slide show and YouTube video 
at http://www.slideshare.net/mslinn/using-flex-with-enterprise-web-services


> I'm using Flex 4 and I set the returntype for the webservice to return an 
> array 
> of Cars - Cars[].  If the web service returns more than 1, it successfully 
> deserialized the data and returns an array of Car objects.  BUT, if only one 
> is 
> returned, it returns an ObjectProxy, obviously because it cannot convert it 
> to 
> an array. 

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