Hi Alex,

I do not use the RichTextEditor inside a <mx:text> i use its output as input
to mx:text (htmlText)

When i set a style like this:

textAreaStyleName: 'rteStyle';

<mx:text> does not display anything (text is there - you can select and
paste it somewhere else but it looks ... tiny (ie < 1 pixel height per line
of text))

I think what breaks it is the combination of font-familt : Arial and the use
(elsewhere) in the Application of an Embeded font (which is the default
across the application)

2) When using embeded fonts, the embeded font appears in the RichTextArea
font dropdown but if i seitch to a different one (lets say Arial) and click
a second time on the drop down the embeded font is missing

3) settings default values via an embeded style (see previous example)
sometimes initializaes the RichTextEditor to the correct values (in this
example font size 26 black) other times you need to type at least 1
character inside the RichTextEditor for it to display the correct values
(default are shown before you type in the first char)

On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 8:42 PM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:

> The answer is probably yes to all three questions.  However I did not
> understand the scenario.  I don’t get how you use a RichTextEditor inside
>  <mx:text> or what it means to “break the initialization”
> On 7/23/10 4:05 AM, "fotis.chatzinikos" <fotis.chatzini...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I have a RichTextEditor which I am trying to set its default Font Face size
> and color using the following CSS:
> RichTextEditor
> {
> textAreaStyleName: 'rteStyle';
> }
> .rteStyle
> {
> font-size:26;
> font-family:Arial;
> color:#000000;
> }
> While this works, the htmlText output of the editor when used inside a
> <mx:text/> field displays ... NOTHING (The text is there you can copy and
> paste it but it seems that its renderer in ...micropixels)
> removing the CSS font-face :
> .rteStyle
> {
> font-size:26;
> color:#000000;
> }
> fixed the rendering but .. breaks the initialization of the
> RichTextEditor...
> It now displays as the selected font "Myriad Pro" (an embeded font i am
> using), the font size to default 13 and the color to default white. Typing
> the first character inide it it fixes the defaults to 26, black... Changing
> from Myriad to Arial makes the htmlText of the Text field to disappear
> again... Plus Myriad disappears from the font selector ...
> Has anybody managed to use The richTextEditor ever? Am i doing something
> --
> Alex Harui
> Flex SDK Team
> Adobe System, Inc.
> http://blogs.adobe.com/aharui

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