Dear all


At , at the
beginning they telling us:

"Spark provides a much more expressive mechanism for developers and
designers to work together on the appearance of their Flex applications". In
other topic they saying that designer and developer could work for the same
project, separately. 


It sounds good, but which way in practice Adobe suggests? Does anybody

Because, all of us (more or less) have developed ways for developer and
designed to work together for the same project. 

Does Adobe suggest something smartest and does it worth? Does it really


In our business we must estimate if a new product they sell us, if a new
suggested technology really worth. We have no time (see money) to invest to
something that finally doesn't worth. Imagine to invest to learn something
(you or your people) and after one year Adobe will abandon it, in case where
they see that it is not "merchandisable" anymore or generally is failed! The
history of software development is full with this kind of stories.


I think. that Flex is becoming too complex for this kind of software that
generates. Even more where Flex doesn't support multithreading (what are you
doing Adobe with too heavy infrastructures in our swf???). Too complex like
.net has become, where a simple applications requires a lot of power CPU, at
least on its first execution, where a new developer is completely lost in
too many libraries where they doing the same things, with different bugs.


Share your thoughts. ..


Take care.


...we are what we are doing...  P Think! before you print. 


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