It could very well be that your request response time is exceeding the default time out for Remote Objects, but I'm not sure about app not working **at all** after that. This can create the intermittent behavior you're seeing, depending on load or query response time from the app's database. In AIR this is a real problem because on windows, the request times out at 30 seconds no matter what you do. But you say you're running a Flex app so, you **should** be able to set the requestTimeout on your RemoteObject to a higher value and see a mitigation of the behavior.

Thanks for the reply....when no one replied I assumed it's as confusing to the group as it is to me! I'm really at my wits end with this thing. If I had my choice, I'd probably just scrap the whole idea of doing it in Flex for the amount of time and trouble this has been causing me.

I don't see that it's a response time issue. I'm still in the testing and development stages so am only at this point using a very small data set to work with (I've already experienced the issues Flex has with large amounts of data over remoting so have at least taken that issue out of the loop until this is solved). Everything including the database is local on my personal workstation so there's virtually no lag at all, I get the error pretty much instantly when the flash component finishes loading.

I'm supposed to demo my progress to the client on Monday, and right now I can't even get the flash component to load up because of this error/bug. It's just totally maddening.

--- Mary Jo

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